All Risks
As an alternative to Fire and/or Lightning, you can cover your physical assets and personal property (includes furniture, fixtures & fittings, improvements, decorations, machinery and equipment, trade samples or stock-in-trade) against accidental loss, destruction or damage by an insured event.
Work Injury Compensation
As an employer, it is mandatory that you protect your employees engaged under a contract of service against work accidents or illnesses. We will compensate you for any claims, arising out of and in the course of employment.
Public Liability
We will compensate for claims in the case of third parties’ death or injury following an accident that your business is responsible for. Third parties include walk-in customers or damages to a neighboring occupier’s property.
Business Interruption
We pay you on your loss of gross profits, gross revenue, wages and/or increased cost of working that you may incur if your business is interrupted because of loss, destruction or damage by an insured event.
We pay you for any loss or damage to your money (currency notes, cheques, credit card, sales vouchers):
• In your premises or in transit • 24 hours, 7 days a week
Fidelity Guarantee
We pay you for any financial loss arising from any act of fraud or dishonesty committed by your employee.
Electronic Equipment
We cover your electronic equipment (includes computers, systems and data media) for any unforeseen physical loss or damage.
Equipment or Machines
We pay you for the cost of repair, reinstatement, or replacement arising from accidental loss or damage to your equipment or machines.